piątek, 4 listopada 2016

autumn in Warsaw

 The best moment to visit - when the leaves turn red, gold and brown and all the parks and gardens become a magnificent colourful view.
 Here - a  glimpse of the Łazienki Royal Park.

piątek, 22 lipca 2016

the Castle - Upper Garden

Seen from afar, but hardly ever visited. I didn't see crowds of tourists strolling in the garden - I blame too little publicity about the availibilty of the gardens (both of them).
What a pity! both are definitely worth visiting, especially the upper part, which is arranged in a more detailed style, reminescent of baroque style geometrcial French gardens.

The visit is also a great opportunity to have a close look at the monumental 18th century facade.

The location also allows to overlook the other side of the river and the river itself, preferably while drinking a cup ofcoffee in the Zamek Cafe.
To sum up, definitely worth visiting and looking both at the town and the castle form a different angle.

piątek, 15 stycznia 2016


Winter has finally come!
Even though we experienced severe cold at the turn of the year, I didn't count that as true winter. It has snowed now and then this season, but it has never been lingered for more than half a day.
And today - almost a snow storm! Enchanting.
Today it's been quite a warm day of around 0'C; the forecasts say it will lucikly fall below zero, which means that it will not hopefully turn into slush.