sobota, 19 grudnia 2015

Christmas is coming...

The commercial aspect of the festive time has been here for about a month already: decorations in streets and shopping malls, Xmas discounts, foreign carols in shops, the hectic atmopshere of preparations...

Still a week before Christmas proper. Still no sign of winter. There were a few feeble attempts on the part of snow to leave a lasting impression... but no, temperatures continue to keep above zero, the aura reminds of November from my childhood.

Therefore the right conclusion, that the photos below weren't taken this year - too much snow!
This is how the Łazienki Royal Park presented itself last year (the days right after Christmas - and the first lasting snow of that year... - a little late though).
It's the last year's idea to install this illumination and thus mix these time travellers with the 21st century strollers...
A really good impression at night, especially if the lights are reflected in the snow.
This year the illumination is there again, inviting for a stroll in the Royal Park.

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