niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2020

Monument to the Ghetto Heroes

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising broke out on April 19th 1943, when mass deportations to death camps had been taking place for months and the Jewish population was decimated. The rise lasted for a month and ended in either death or deportation of the remaining people and a total destruction of the ghetto area. Only a handful of Jews survived.
The main Warsaw commemoration of the event stands in the Muranów district, where majority of the ghetto was located. Some of the material used was basalt which originally was supposed to serve for a monument of the German victory... On the front, which now faces the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, the fighters are depicted in heroic dramatic poses. 
There's also the other side, though. It shows a silent march towards death.
This monument was erected in 1948 and officialy unveiled on the 5th anniversary of the uprising. 
But it wasn't the first one. When you walk around the Museum you will find a red sandstone plaque in the pavement.
 It was the first commemoration, built already in 1946. 

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